donderdag 22 april 2021 16:00 18:00



European Union Visitors Programme webinar: What are the European Union and its strategic partners doing to aim for a brighter and greener future?

The European Union Visitors Programme invites young political and opinion leaders to discover the European institutions and to share the knowledge and expertise from their countries and fields of work. In this talk, we will discuss climate change from a global perspective:  What can we do to turn these challenges into opportunities? How to ensure a just transition into climate neutrality? What are the European Union and its strategic partners doing to aim for a brighter and greener future?

You will be able to ask your questions directly to the experts and the representatives of the institutions, by following the event at this link:

You can find the streaming at this link: EUVP Alumni Webinar - International Partnerships for the European Green Deal | EUVP - Alumni ( 



16.00 – 16.10     Welcome address by Ms Hilde Hardeman - Head of the European Commission's Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)

16.10 – 17.00     Interventions from the speakers:

  • Ms Elina Bardram - Acting Director of the Directorate “International, Mainstreaming and Policy Coordination” in the Directorate-General for Climate Action of the European Commission

  • Mr Etienne Bassot - Director of the Members’ Research Service at the European Parliamentary Research Service of the European Parliament

  • Mr Nicholas W. Sherman - Director for International Energy and Economic Policy at the White House, United States

  • Mr Sunny Uppal - Senior Director for Partnerships and Outreach with the Covid-19 Task Force under the Department of Health and Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Mr Jeferson Straatmann - Coordinator of value chain initiatives at the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Brazil

17.00 – 17.30     Moderated discussion

17.30 – 18.00     Q&A Session